
At ELEPAP's model playground named after Minos Kyriakou, our motto is that “We all Play Together”, as this is a place where all children can have fun, play, experiment, develop skills, feel as independent as possible and make friends.
The inauguration of the Playground took place on 18 December 2018, while the project was realised with donations made in memory of the late Minos Kyriakou, following his family’s wishes.
We have created an inclusive playground that provides equal opportunities and many play experiences, encouraging children with different skills, cultures, ages and genders to play together.
For example, a child with a wheelchair has the same opportunities to play on swings, seesaw and slide, as an ambulatory child. This means that all children can play together without impediments and discrimination of any form.
The children who play together, learn together, grow together and live together harmoniously in society and that is the most important message that we want to share and spread to everyone. The ELEPAP playground is a playground for ALL!

Work therapists Konstantina Kosma and Annie Apostolopoulou, carried out extensive research and study and have brought our dream to life, providing a model playground! What first may appear to be a simply built playground, in reality is the result of detailed study, encompassing the meticulous design of each equipment component, the colours and the placement of the games, even the children’s preferences, so as to serve the concept of universal design.
All of the above aim to serve the needs and preferences of EVERY child, maximising the possibility for spontaneous and free play.

The ELEPAP playground is the first model inclusive playground in Greece, with a variety of games, most of which are prototypes, designed by the work therapists themselves.
We hope that in future we will be able to inspire other agencies to create similar spaces, so as to maximise EVERY child’s ability to play, aiming at a better tomorrow, an inclusive tomorrow.