ELEPAP Thessaloniki is the first charitable, non-profit association in Northern Greece, which since 1969 has catered to both treatment & rehabilitation needs. It is located in buildings that it owns with a total surface area of 3,000 sq. m. in a very green area of 9,000 m2 in Elaiones, Pylaia. It provides rehabilitation services through a holistic approach and after evaluation by a multidisciplinary team to persons with:
- a) motor disorders and development difficulties of all levels, from simple motor dysfunctions, that require a therapeutic intervention of a few months, to chronic cases that require ongoing therapeutic interventions.
- b) speech, behaviour and communication disorders, as well as learning difficulties, through educational and occupation programs from early childhood to adulthood. The Thessaloniki branch possesses:
Contact Details :
Elaionon 22, Pylaia
Tel. : 2310 318218 /2310 318228
(only for donation-not for adoption)
National Bank of Greece
IBAN: GR0501102100000021035659396
Peiraeus Bank
Αρ. Λογαριασμού: 5227003038303
IBAN: GR1801722270005227003038303
Αρ. Λογαριασμού: 00260203820102716397
IBAN: GR5802602030000820102716397
Αρ. Λογαριασμού: 700002002017540
IBAN: GR3001407000700002002017540