Social Services

Social services are the connecting link between parents, public bodies and ELEPAP programs. They have a multifaceted role, focusing on supporting the family in all sectors.
Specifically, the following services are provided
- Individual Parent Counselling
Individual parent counselling to help them adapt psychosocially to their new role and to support them in managing a variety of issues.
- Group Parent Counselling
The aim of parents’ Group Counselling in collaboration with the Psychology Services is to examine the changes in the balance of the entire family system after the birth of the child and to support families as they gradually adjust to their new situation.
- Couples counselling
Counselling couples on any difficulties in their communication and interactions, as well as on how to effectively manage relations in the broader family and social environment.
- Participation in the Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Team
- Cooperation with parents
Working with parents, providing support and information in order to cover welfare and social security matters based on the special needs of every family
- Keeping parents informed
Keeping parents informed regarding their rights and the process for receiving benefits based on every family’s needs.

- Cooperation with social policy and education bodies
Collaboration with social policy and education bodies so that the family and the child can adapt smoothly to subsequent steps, such as its integration into Formal education schools.
- Social welfare of vulnerable social groups / Family support
Social welfare of vulnerable social groups / Supporting families in managing crises related to socio-economic parameters
- Raising awareness amongst students through a short intervention program:
- approved by the Ministry of Education
- at primary and secondary education schools
- at a national level