The ELEPAP Agrinion Branch is a charitable non-profit body that covers both treatment and rehabilitation needs of children with motor and neurodevelopmental problems through a holistic approach and after evaluation by the multidisciplinary team.
The Agrinion Branch was established in 1999. It is accommodated in a building in line with European specifications, which it owns and is located in the area of Genova (Ring Road of Agios Christoforos Agrinion 30133); where medical/diagnostic, treatment, educational, psychology, social and administrative services are provided.
ELEPAP is a private law entity and is supervised by the Ministry of Health. It is administered by the Local Governing Committee designated by the Athens BoD whose members are all volunteers.
The Agrinion Branch has 21 members of staff, specifically 16 scientists, 3 administrative staff members and 2 auxiliary staff members; as well as 2 medical-scientific associates namely a physiatrist and a pediatric psychiatrist.
The physiatrist is the scientific Director of our Center, which collaborates with the General Hospital of Aitoloakarnania, all the Children's Hospitals of the Ioannina region, the Karamandeio in Patras and the Athens Hospitals "Aglaia Kyriakou", "Aghia Sophia" and "Pendeli".
Today the Agrinion Branch has 150 children and young adults the prefectures of Aitoloakarnania, Achaia and Fokida. Their ages range from 3 months to 28 years old. Medical – diagnostic services are provided by volunteer visiting doctors from Athens and our region, including specialties such as: pediatric orthopedics, pediatric neurologists, pediatric cardiologists, pediatric dentists, pediatric ENT specialists, dermatologists.
ELEPAP supports children with disabilities and their families, with dedication, love and perseverance and with the aim to help them achieve their potential through individual therapies and specialised programs. Moreover, an Early Therapeutic and Educational Intervention Department for infants from 18 months to 7 years old has been operating since May 2017.
In its 21 years of operation more than 1,500 children, as well as their families have found the support and help, they needed to effectively deal with their problem and to be more easily integrated in society.
ELEPAP Agrinion is an affiliated Special Education provider of EOPYY (the Greek Social Security National Organisation for the Provision of Healthcare Services) and undertakes to fully cover the treatments and to submit their cost directly to EOPYY. The treatments of insured individuals are covered through their social security organisation.
Contact Information:
Agios Christoforos Ring Road, Genoa Region, Agrinio
Postal Code 30133
Phone: 26410 55035 / 26410 26400
Fax: 26410 55039
E-mail: info_agr@elepap.gr
(only for donations-not for adoptions)
Alpha Bank
Account Number: 220002101293784
IBAN: GR72 0140 2200 2200 0210 1293 784
Piraeus Bank
Account Number: 6264010429446
IBAN: GR81 0171 2640 0062 6401 0429 446
National Bank of Greece
Account Number: 303/48032803
IBAN: GR05 0110 3030 0000 3034 8032 803
Account Number: 0026-0265-01-0100082239
IBAN: GR6102602650000010100082239