ELEPAP Ioannina was established in 1981. This year marks its 39th anniversary, a period in which it has contributed greatly to Ioannina.
It has always conscientiously offered its Services with love, applying innovative methods by specialized scientists to more than 2,800 children in the broader area of N.W. Greece and Albania. It is housed in an ultra-modern building with a surface area of 4,000 m2 and has a capacity of 400 persons.
As an Open Care center it accepts children with cerebral palsy, psychomotor delay, syndromes, intellectual disability, various developmental disorders, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, etc.
Equally important is the help offered to children facing other types of problems that hinder their smooth development and progress, such as learning difficulties; stuttering; dyslexia; speech, articulation, behaviour problems etc.

Our Branch works closely together with the Orthopedic, Pediatric, Psychiatric and Pediatric Psychiatry clinics of the two Hospitals in Ioannina. Since 1987 on a monthly basis and in collaboration with the doctors of the Premature Births Department of the University Hospital, it also monitors preterm babies, from their birth up to the age of 3 years.

Contact Details:
Neokaisareia Ioanninon
P.C. 45500, Post Box 351
Tel.: 26510 83173 /26510 36480
Fax: 26510 39344
email: elepap2@otenet.gr
Bank Accounts ELEPAPIoannina:
(only for donations-not for adoption)